
Sunday, November 18, 2012

How to do Netbios Hacking..


1.Open command prompt

2. In the command prompt use the “net view” command

Example: C:\>net view \\
The above is an example for operation using command prompt.”net view” is one of the netbios command to view the shared resources of the remote computer.Here “″ is an IP address of remote computer that is to be hacked through Netbios.You have to substitute a vlaid IP address in it’s place.If succeeded a list of HARD-DISK DRIVES & PRINTERS are shown.If not an error message is displayed. So repeat the procedure 2 with a different IP address.

3. After succeeding, use the “net use” command in the command prompt.The “net use” is another netbios command which makes it possible to hack remote drives or printers.

C:\>net use D: \\\F
C:\>net use G: \\\SharedDocs
C:\>net use I: \\\Myprint

NOTE: In Examples 1,2 & 3, D:,G: & I: are the Network Drive Names that are to be created on your computer to access remote computer’s hard-disk.


F:,”SharedDocs” are the names of remote computer’s hard-disk’s drives that you want to hack. “Myprint” is the name of remote computer’s printer.These are displayed after giving “net use” command. “″ is the IP address of remote computer that you want to hack.

4. After succeeding your computer will give a message that “The command completed successfully“. Once you get the above message you are only one step away from hacking the computer.

Now open “My Computer” you will see a new “Hard-Disk drive”(Shared) with the specified name.You can open it and access remote computer’s Hard-Drive.You can copy files,music,folders etc. from victim’s hard-drive.You can delete/modify data on victim’s hard-drive only if WRITE-ACCESS is enabled on victim’s system.You can access files\folders quickly through “Command Prompt”.

NOTE: If Remote Computer’s Firewall Is Enabled Your Computer Will Not Succeed In Gaining Access To Remote Computer Through Netbios.That is Netbios Hacking Is Not Possible In This Situation.(An Error Message Is Displayed).So Repeat The Procedure 2,3 With Different IP Address.

Saturday, November 17, 2012

5 Of The World’s Most Famous Hackers & What Happened To Them

There are two types of hackers. First, you’ve got the kind that is so often portrayed by Hollywood as an anti-social nerd with a chip on his shoulder out to dominate the cyberworld by breaking into secure networks and messing things up. Second, you’ve got the kind of people who just enjoy fiddling around with software source code and hardware gigs.
That’s right. The term “hacker” originally referred to the second type, which held absolutely no malevolent connotations. Only recently has the term been used to refer primarily to criminal masterminds. There are good hackers and bad hackers! Nowadays, benevolent hackers are often called “white hats” while the more sinister are called “black hats.”
In this article, I’ll be talking specifically about famous hackers that don hats of black. Here are five of the most widely known black hatters and what happened to them for their recklessness.

Jonathan James

famous hackersJonathan James was known as “c0mrade” on the Internet. What is his ticket to fame? He was convicted and sent to prison for hacking in the United States–all while he was still a minor. At only fifteen years of age, he managed to hack into a number of networks, including those belonging to Bell South, Miami-Dade, the U.S. Department of Defense, and NASA.
Yes, James hacked into NASA’s network and downloaded enough source code to learn how the International Space Station worked. The total value of the downloaded assets equaled $1.7 million. To add insult to injury, NASA had to shut down their network for three whole weeks while they investigated the breach, which cost them $41,000.
The story of James has a tragic ending, however. In 2007, a number of high profile companies fell victim to a massive wave of malicious network attacks. Even though James denied any involvement, he was suspected and investigated. In 2008, James committed suicide, believing he would be convicted of crimes that he did not commit.

Kevin Mitnick

famous hackersKevin Mitnick’s journey as a computer hacker has been so interesting and compelling that the U.S. Department of Justice called him the “most wanted computer criminal in U.S. history.” His story is so wild that it was the basis for two featured films.
What did he do? After serving a year in prison for hacking into the Digital Equipment Corporation’s network, he was let out for 3 years of supervised release. Near the end of that period, however, he fled and went on a 2.5-year hacking spree that involved breaching the national defense warning system and stealing corporate secrets.
Mitnick was eventually caught and convicted, ending with a 5-year prison sentence. After serving those years fully, he became a consultant and public speaker for computer security. He now runs Mitnick Security Consulting, LLC.

Albert Gonzalez

famous hackers in historyAlbert Gonzalez paved his way to Internet fame when he collected over 170 million credit card and ATM card numbers over a period of 2 years. Yep. That’s equal to a little over halfthe population of the United States.
Gonzalez started off as the leader of a hacker group known as ShadowCrew. This group would go on to steal 1.5 million credit card numbers and sell them online for profit. ShadowCrew also fabricated fraudulent passports, health insurance cards, and birth certificates for identity theft crimes totaling $4.3 million stolen.
The big bucks wouldn’t come until later, when Gonzalez hacked into the databases of TJX Companies and Heartland Payment Systems for their stored credit card numbers. In 2010, Gonzalez was sentenced to prison for 20 years (2 sentences of 20 years to be served out simultaneously).

Kevin Poulsen

famous hackers in historyKevin Poulsen, also known as “Dark Dante,” gained his fifteen minutes of fame by utilizing his intricate knowledge of telephone systems. At one point, he hacked a radio station’s phone lines and fixed himself as the winning caller, earning him a brand new Porsche. According to media, he was called the “Hannibal Lecter of computer crime.”
He then earned his way onto the FBI’s wanted list when he hacked into federal systems and stole wiretap information. Funny enough, he was later captured in a supermarket and sentenced to 51 months in prison, as well paying $56,000 in restitution.
Like Kevin Mitnick, Poulsen changed his ways after being released from prison. He began working as a journalist and is now a senior editor for Wired News. At one point, he even helped law enforcement to identify 744 sex offenders on MySpace.

Gary McKinnon

famous hackersGary McKinnon was known by his Internet handle, “Solo.” Using that name, he coordinated what would become the largest military computer hack of all time. The allegations are that he, over a 13-month period from February 2001 to March 2002, illegally gained access to 97 computers belonging to the U.S. Armed Forces and NASA.
McKinnon claimed that he was only searching for information related to free energy suppression and UFO activity cover-ups. But according to U.S. authorities, he deleted a number of critical files, rendering over 300 computers inoperable and resulting in over $700,000 in damages.
Being of Scottish descent and operating out of the United Kingdom, McKinnon was able to dodge the American government for a time. As of today, he continues to fight against extradition to the United States.
Now, do you know any famous hackers who should be in this hall of infamy? Put his (or her) name down in the comments.

Friday, November 16, 2012

How to Hack a Website with Basic HTML Coding

1  Open the site you want to hack. Provide wrong username/password combination in its log in form. (e.g. : Username : me and Password: ' or 1=1 --)An error will occur saying wrong username-password. Now be prepared your experiment starts from here.

2  Right click anywhere on that error page =>> go to view source.

3  There you can see the HTML coding with JavaScript.• There you find somewhat like this....<_form action="...Login....">• Before this login information copy the URL of the site in which you are. (e.g. :"< _form..........action=>")

4  Then delete the JavaScript from the above that validates your information in the server.(Do this very carefully, your success to hack the site depends upon this i.e. how efficiently you delete the java scripts that validate your account information)

5  Then take a close look for "<_input name="password" type="password">"[without quotes] -> replace "<_type=text> “there instead of "<_type=password>". See there if maximum length of password is less than 11 then increase it to 11 (e.g. : if then write )

6  Just go to file => save as and save it anywhere in your hard disk with ext.html(e.g.: c:\chan.html)

7  Reopen your target web page by double clicking 'chan.html' file that you saved in your hard disk earlier.• You see that some changes in current page as compared to original One. Don't worry.

8  Provide any username [e.g.: hacker] and password [e.g.:' or 1=1 --] You have successfully cracked the above website and entered into the account of List user saved in the server's database.

NOTEDo the coding and changes very carefully, your success to hack the site depends upon this i.e. how efficiently you delete the java scripts that validate your account information.

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Turbo C For Windows 7 and Windows Vista Full Screen Mode Enabled.

How to enable full screen mode of turbo c in windows 7 and windows vista is very frequently asked question by many peoples on the internet so finally we found a fix for this full screen mode problem and sharing with you. you can do it with a software and by following some easy steps. That being said many are aware of the DOSBox method for installing and using Turbo C which is very buggy and needs frequent modifications to run properly. Such as you need to set the library and other folders manually after mounting the drive in dosbox along with that, Many are not able to run Turbo C in full screen when using it through DOSBox. Tedious as it sounds!

Installing TurboC on Windows Vista and Windows 7
Step 1. Download the TurboC Simulator installer..
Step 2. Although I said it can patch existing installations of TurboC, I don’t recommend that so Delete the TC folder in your C Drive. (Remember to backup your projects from the BIN folder)
Step 3. Double click the downloaded Installer > Follow the installation by proceeding with Next/Install/Finish. Choose to open the TurboC patcher after installation.
Step 4 (A). For a simple and straightforward Patched installation of TurboC on Windows Vista/7/8. Just click on the Install button on the center of the patcher.
Step 5 (A). Go to desktop, There you will find the “TurboC FIXED” icon. Click on that and start the Turbo C and compile your programs. Your Installations will be in the default C:/TC/ folder as in the Windows XP.
For Advanced Installations and Patching Custom Installations of TurboC.
Step 4 (B). Click on the Options checkbox and fiddle with the settings like Custom installation folder and patching custom installations of TC.
Turbo C Full Screen Mode
Step 5 (B). Click the install button.
You can safely uninstall the Patcher after clicking the Install button, To do that go to Control Panel > Install/Uninstall Programs and uninstall the TurboC Simulator. Thats it!

How To Hack A WiFi Network Both WEP and WPA Passwords 2012

Today ill tell you, how to hack WiFi Using Some Simple And Working Tricks You Can easily hack the WiFi network. I think you know that if you want to lock down your WiFi network, you will use WPA encryption because the WEP encryption is easy to crack. In this tutorial we will tell you how to crack WEP passwords, an older and less often used network security protocol. If the network you want to crack is using the more popular WPA encryption, See Below For Second Tutorial.
In This step-by-step tutorial, how to crack a Wi-Fi network with WEP security turned on.
Hack WiFi network

Requirements For WiFi Hacking :-

1. Unless you’re a computer security and networking ninja, chances are you don’t have all the tools on hand to get this job done. Here’s what you’ll need: A compatible wireless adapter—This is the biggest requirement. You’ll need a wireless adapter that’s capable of packet injection, and chances are the one in your computer is not.
2. A BackTrack Live CD
3. A nearby WEP-enabled Wi-Fi network. The signal should be strong and ideally people are using it, connecting and disconnecting their devices from it. The more use it gets while you collect the data you need to run your crack, the better your chances of success.
4. Patience with the command line. This is an ten-step process that requires typing in long, arcane commands and waiting around for your Wi-Fi card to collect data in order to crack the password. Like the doctor said to the short person, be a little patient.

Crack That WEP

To crack WEP, you’ll need to launch Konsole, BackTrack’s built-in command line. It’s right there on the taskbar in the lower left corner, second button to the right. Now, the commands.
First run the following to get a list of your network interfaces:
The only one I’ve got there is labeled ra0. Yours may be different; take note of the label and write it down. From here on in, substitute it in everywhere a command includes (interface).
Now, run the following four commands. See the output that I got for them in the screenshot below.

airmon-ng stop (interface)
ifconfig (interface) down
macchanger --mac 00:11:22:33:44:55 (interface)
airmon-ng start (interface)

How to Crack a Wi-Fi Network’s WPA Password with Reaver :-

Here’s the bad news: A new, free, open-source tool called Reaver exploits a security hole in wireless routers and can crack most routers’ current passwords with relative ease. Here’s how to crack a WPA or WPA2 password, step by step, with Reaver—and how to protect your network against Reaver attacks.
Requirement For WiFi Hacking :-
The BackTrack 5 Live DVD. BackTrack is a bootable Linux distribution that’s filled to the brim with network testing tools, and while it’s not strictly required to use Reaver, it’s the easiest approach for most users.
  • A computer with Wi-Fi and a DVD drive. BackTrack will work with the wireless card on most laptops, so chances are your laptop will work fine. However, BackTrack doesn’t have a full compatibility list, so no guarantees. You’ll also need a DVD drive, since that’s how you’ll boot into BackTrack. I used a six-year-old MacBook Pro.
  • A nearby WPA-secured Wi-Fi network. Technically, it will need to be a network using WPA security with the WPS feature enabled. I’ll explain in more detail in the “How Reaver Works” section how WPS creates the security hole that makes WPA cracking possible.
  • A little patience. This is a 4-step process, and while it’s not terribly difficult to crack a WPA password with Reaver, it’s a brute-force attack, which means your computer will be testing a number of different combinations of cracks on your router before it finds the right one. When I tested it, Reaver took roughly 2.5 hours to successfully crack my password. The Reaver home page suggests it can take anywhere from 4-10 hours. Your mileage may vary.
How To Hack WiFi network :-

Step 1: Boot into BackTrack.

Step 2: Install Reaver

  1. Click Applications > Internet > Wicd Network Manager
  2. Select your network and click Connect, enter your password if necessary, click OK, and then click Connect a second time.
Now that you’re online, let’s install Reaver. Click the Terminal button in the menu bar (or click Applications > Accessories > Terminal). At the prompt, type:
apt-get update
And then, after the update completes:
apt-get install reaver

Step 3: Gather Your Device Information, Prep Your Crackin’

Find your wireless card: Inside Terminal, type:
Put your wireless card into monitor mode: Assuming your wireless card’s interface name iswlan0, execute the following command to put your wireless card into monitor mode:
airmon-ng start wlan0 Find the BSSID of the router you want to crack 

Step 4: Crack a Network’s WPA Password with Reaver

reaver -i moninterface -b bssid -vv 
For example, if your monitor interface was mon0 like mine, and your BSSID was8D:AE:9D:65:1F:B2 (a BSSID I just made up), your command would look like:
reaver -i mon0 -b 8D:AE:9D:65:1F:B2 -vv
After Doing This You Are Able To get The WiFi Password. If You Have Any Query.. POst in Comments :)

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

2012 SEO Tricks and Tips for Google..

Before starting this I would like to mention the aim of Google in providing search results to people – the aim is ” SEARCH SHOULD END ” . The meaning of this phrase is that when a person searches for some information and if he is still not satisfied even after visiting first 20 pages or searching with many different combination of searches, then that will result in the failure of Google. So for this google introduced    an algorithmic change in its search which is called ” GOOGLE PANDA” .
Note : Panda  is named after a Google employee not Kungfu Panda ;)
Right from 2011 January Google kept on tweaking the algo in order to combat the content farms. What ever it is Google is now worried about only and only one thing and that is ” USER EXPERIENCE
So what I want to say finally is google tweaks in 2012 and the panda updates can be predicted based on this concept. Also this can help us in being safe in getting effected by panda. Here are those user experience based SEO TIPS AND TRICKS that every website owner should concentrate.

SEO Trick # 1 – Unique and Informative CONTENT

Make sure you add unique and more importantly informative and attractive content. Google has changed a lot recently because previously if you wanted to rank for some keywords you should have good back links and authority. Now I can see sites with awesome, unique and well researched content are ranking very high even with low authority.
Freshness is also important, that means updating the content is very very essential. So if you have articles that are major traffic getting ones then you should regularly update them with recent information.

SEO Trick # 2 – Google plus influence

Google + is going to play a major role this year and already the influence of that is clearly visible. Google is doing to control spam and also improve user reliability by exposing the authors Google plus profiles.
So right away start branding your website with your google plus profile and the extra advantage for this is that the visibility of your site in search results will be more.

SEO Trick # 3 – Too many ads will kill your site

Yes, as the basic rule of Google is to make sure user is comfortable in getting information with out unnecessary disturbances through too many pop ups and  ads. So sites with too many ads may get effected especially download site which contains too many ads are surely going to get effected. This is said by google employee @matt cutts himself to me in webmasters google hangout.
Note : I will update this list regularly in order to get quality tricks – please comment below if you want to share your personal seo trick for 2012.

Monday, November 12, 2012

How To Hack PC On Cyber Cafe

Here is a quick new hack on how to intrude in the PC which is shut downed at Cyber cafe. (Don’t Forget to read our disclaimer at the bottom of the post.)

1. As you all must have know these days all Cyber cafe owners have a program for administration to control all PC’s in local area network. So all files can be inter transmitted.

2. First of all press Ctrl+Alt+Del the task manager or any controlling application, will open. Then from APPLICATIONS select the program that is controlling all PC’s  & terminate it, This is for security reason. Now log of PC, & you ll get user names of the PC.

3. But some times, cyber cafes have security clients installed that have restricted access to Task Manager
, restart the computer & press F8 continuously before windows boots.

The Menu will open, select Safe Mode from it. And now you can copy files from networked PC’s without any  security layer.

Next step is where you’ll need to crack the hashes.  SO go to your home PC , Download & install Saminside cracking tool. And from some another Cyber cafe try to crack the hashes of that PC. By same log off method explained below.

This where you actually perform hacking. Have a gret time & tell us weather it worked for you.

Meanwhile if you can get IP address,  of the PC you wish to hack try to get it from, but this is not the part of this hack its sort of next step of hacking from outside the network.

Disclaimer : The trick here explained it for educational purpose only & not to  perform illegal or criminal activities. Don’t forget hacking into some one’s privacy is considered as crime. SO do it on your home network that you own or something.  We are not responsible for anything you do & consequences of it by using our articles.