
Friday, June 22, 2012

How to disable copy paste in blogger

Usually how do we copy a content from a docs ? We would select the content we need to copy down and use short cut keys or Right click and Select copy. How about disable selecting text itself , then readers couldn't use shortcuts and even though they couldn't copy down using right click options.
So i recommend this method to bloggers who wish to protect their contents from content thieves.

Actually this script is free and very popular among website masters.

Lets go :
  1. Sign In to Blogger account and go to relevant blog.
  2. Go to Page Elements from Design  and Click on Add a Gadget and choose HTML/JAVASCRIPT from the gadgets.
  3. Now Copy down the popular code and Paste it on the selected Gadget and Save it.

  4. <!--Disable Copy And Paste-->
    <script language='JavaScript1.2'>
    function disableselect(e){
    return false
    function reEnable(){
    return true
    document.onselectstart=new Function ("return false")
    if (window.sidebar){
  5. Now refresh your Blog and Right Click on it. Done!

1 comment:

  1. Nice Post.

    Here you can get something similar to this
